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Welcome To Eco-Friendly Cement Production

Cement industry contributes to about 10% of global CO2 emissions. Unlike other manufacturing and energy-intensive sectors where CO2 emissions are mostly from energy usage, significant proportion of CO2 emissions from cement industry are process centric and hence, the role of Carbon Capture is more important in cement industry compared to other industries because the limestone itself produces tremendous amount of CO2 (almost 40% by weight).

​The Cement Industrial Facilities are long lived assets, leading to potential “lock-in” of CO2 emissions for decades to come. Carbon Capture retrofit is the only technology able to address this challenge, achieve deep emission reductions and make tremendous economical profit from waste. The waste to energy sector is on the rise as both, a waste management option and a power production means.


Unique Scalable System

The machines are designed in such a way that the carbon capture capacity can be expanded in the long term. Decarbonization is a long term goal and scalability is a very important factor. Our system can be easily retrofitted to the existing machinery, thus not affecting the manufacturing process at all. It acts as an eco-friendly extension of the existing machinery with virtually no changes in the cement making process.


CO2 Utilization for Carbon Negative Target

The Captured CO2 is used as a building block to manufacture materials of intrinsic values. Methane, Methanol, Sustainable Aviation fuel, Green Cement, Soda Ash etc are all very attractive options.


Towards Net Zero

Cement Industrial Facilities are long lived assets, leading to CO2 emissions for decades. Our Carbon Capture retrofit technology is able to address this challenge, achieve deep emission reductions and make tremendous economical profit from waste.

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