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Carbon Utilization Technologies

While most treat CO2 as a problem that needs to be eliminated, we believe CO2 is a solution in itself. The chemical properties of this almost inert gas allows us to use it as a process fluid and save other valuable resources. This results in tremendous OPEX reductions while the making the whole process "Eco-Friendly"

Our Carbon Utilization Technologies is a suite of technologies to help achieve the goal of Carbon Neutrality. Everyday production or emission of CO2 is so large that it cannot be ignored anymore. The only logical solution for a sustainable world is to use this abundantly available CO2 which would otherwise simply vanish in the air.

While this CO2 is mostly treated as a problem and a waste, we treat this CO2 as a resource which is freely available, just waiting to be used by the industries to reach their full potential.

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Our Technology provides a unique opportunity for the industry to kill two birds with the same stone. On one side the escaping CO2 is captured and on the other side, this captured CO2 is used to make useful products. One helps in mitigating global warming and the other saves useful resources to make products.


Our technology helps to reduce the OPEX of the existing industrial processes. The Supercritical CO2 technology reduces the energy requirements of all the industries that we provide service to and the end product is of better quality compared to existing traditional technologies.

Supercritical CO2 technology is used in a number of industries. The same CO2 that used to extract oil is used to Dye Synthetic Fibers and this same CO2 is used to Dry fruits and vegetables. We offer a number of solutions with using CO2 both as a physical process flow medium and as a raw material for chemical conversion.

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